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Saturday, August 3, 2024

Amazon First Reads - August 2024

Hi, everyone!!

Did you know you receive a FREE monthly Kindle book available with your Amazon Prime membership??? It is called Amazon First Reads!! You can find out more about it here: Amazon First Reads.

I received the Amazon First Reads email today! There is a free Kindle book and a free Kindle short story for August 2024. 

My TWO choices for August 2024 are:

Natural Selection by Elin Hilderbrand (short story)

The Moonflowers by Abigail Rose-Marie (ebook)

So what Kindle book are you SELECTING?!? 

Also, as a reminder, don't forget to buy AND download the FREE books from Amazon!

Happy reading, 

Dorothea 💜

Thursday, August 1, 2024

My next audiobook is...


Drama - An Artist's Education by John Lithgow (audiobook)

Happy reading! 

Dorothea 💜

July 2024 - Monthly Wrap-up


Hi, everyone!

July was only five books read, but my family and I were all sick. Between being sick myself and caring for my family, I understandably couldn’t do much reading. Craziness, I say!!


2nd ANNUAL “booksbydorothea” BEST BOOKS OF 2024:

All We Were Promised by Ashton Lattimore (January) 5 stars

Miss Morgan's Book Brigade by Janet Skeslien Charles (February) 5 stars

The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer (March) 5 stars

How To Read A Book by Monica Wood (April) 5 stars

Here One Moment by Liane Moriarity (May) 4.5 stars

The Friday Afternoon Club (June) 5 stars (audiobook)

The Bookstore Wedding by Alice Hoffman (July) 5 stars (ebook)



My goal for 2024 is 100 books which is a HUGE stretch goal. As of 07/31/2024, I have read 51 books, or 51% of my goal.



5 total books

3 e-books; 2 audiobooks; 0 physical books

0 books were an ARC (Advance Reader Copy)

3 books were library books

0 books were purchased

2 books were Amazon First Reads

0 books were a Book Club Girl


Audio listening time in July:  15 hours, 48 minutes

Pages read in July:  765 pages

Average review rating: 4.50 stars



5.0-star book (1)

The Bookstore Wedding by Alice Hoffman (ebook) LINK


4.5-star book (3)

The Most Human by Adam Nimoy (audiobook) LINK

My Mama, Cass by Owen Elliot-Kugell (audiobook) LINK

Daughter of Fire by Sofia Robleda (ebook) LINK

4.0-star book (1)

The Blackbird Chronicles (All Souls #5) by Deborah Harkness (ebook) LINK

3.5-star book (0)

3.0-star book (0) 

If you want to read my full review of any of these books, there are individual review links for each ebook or audiobook next to the book title and author. Click on the specific book link to get to that book review!! 


Happy reading!

Dorothea ðŸ’œ


P.S. For more information about my book ratings, you can find out more HERE.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

My next ebook is...

 The Briar Club by Kate Quinn

Happy reading! 

Dorothea 💜

DNF - The Queen's Faithful Companion (ebook)

The Queen's Faithful Companion by Eliza Knight (ebook)

I will not be finishing this book. I have read about 15% and it just isn't for me. It is told from three viewpoints: Elizabeth (Princess/Queen), Hanna (dog handler), and Susan (Corgi). I didn't like having a dog's view point- it seemed silly to me.  

This book didn't work for me which doesn't mean it won't work for you! 

Happy reading! 

Dorothea 💜

Saturday, July 27, 2024

My next ebook is...

 The Queen's Faithful Companion by Eliza Knight

Happy reading,

Dorothea 💜

NEXT BOOK POST and REVIEW - Daughter of Fire (ebook)

 Daughter of Fire by Sofia Robleda (ebook)


This is the debut novel by Mexican writer, Sofia Robleda. Sofia writes beautifully and reminds me so much of Isabel Allende's writing style. Both write with vivid storytelling, strong emotion, and magical realism.

This is an educational book about the history of Mexico and Central America as well as the horrific things the Spanish colonists and conquistadors did to the native peoples. It is not always an easy book to read, but it is important to be educated about these times so that we never repeat them.


Writing: 4.5 stars

Sofia writes in such lyrical and poetic prose. It is just beautiful writing. It was important to read this book and to be educated about Southern Mexico and Central America. This book explores the time about twenty years after the arrival of the conquistadores which was not fully covered in any history class I took. 

Character development: 4.0 stars

There were four main characters - Catalina (daughter of Don Alonso), Juan (native chief), Cristóbal (native and godson of Don Alonso), and Don Alonso (President of Guatemala and Spanish colonialist). These four characters weaved a strong story with detailed information about each character. They were all fascinating characters on their own merit.  

There are a lot of secondary characters including Catalina's mother, the household workers, Spanish aristocrats/conquistadores, town villagers, and native peoples. 

The tertiary character is Popol Vuh which is the history, treasured artifact, and holy book of the indigenous people in the area. 

Storyline:  4.0 stars

The storyline was fascinating! It was about the protection and preservation of the Popol Vuh. Learning about the cultures and history of the area was informative, yet horrifying at times. 

My only issue was when the storyline went into the realm of magical realism. It was difficult to understand who all the gods, goddesses, and demons were in the native spiritual world and what they represented. I would have liked to know more about this aspect of the book which could have been highlighted better or covered in an addendum. Finally, a glossary of terms would have been helpful for the indigenous language words and the more obscure Spanish words not in Google Translate.

The main location is colonial Guatemala.


Memorable/Informative:  4.5 stars

Many parts of this book disgusted me including the complete and utter destruction of the native culture, language, religion, and artifacts by the Spanish. I will remember all of this forever. 

Book cover: 5.0 stars

Pretty and perfect.

Book title: 5.0 stars 

Loved it!  

HIGHLY recommend


Amazon First Reads Kindle ebook

Daughter of Fire by Sofia Robleda

280 pages 

Amazon Crossing

Release date of 08/1/2024


Sofia Robleda

My Goodreads review

Amazon Crossing

Amazon First Reads - July 2024

Happy reading,

Dorothea 💜

P.S. I apologize for not updating the book blog lately. But, I was not reading at all as I was sick! 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

REVIEW - The Black Bird Oracle (ebook)

The Black Bird Oracle (All Souls #5) by Deborah Harkness (ebook)


This is the fifth book in the All Souls series. The fourth book was published in 2018 so there was a gap between books due to the author's illness. 

A quick reread of the series before beginning this book would have helped with my confusion about the characters and backstories, but I don't feel that I should have to do that. A recap would have been nice due to the length of time since the last book. 

Caveat: Please start with the first book in this series. This is not a stand-alone book. 


Writing: 4.0 stars

Deborah Harkness is a skilled historian and author. But it felt like something was missing in this book. 

There were a lot of SAT words that I could not find definitions, lots of French and Italian terms, and lots of witchy terms that I didn't understand. A glossary of terms would have been a really nice addition. The various languages and unknown words slowed down my reading. 

Character development: 4.0 stars

There was a genealogy of the three families in the book: de Clairmont (vampires), Bishop (witches), and Proctor (witches); but, it was hard to read on Kindle and was not detailed enough to answer many of my questions. 

The two main characters are Matthew (a Vampire with blood rage) and Diana (a Weaver witch). They are a mixed couple in the magical world which is highly unusual and irregular. 

There are a lot of secondary characters including Becca and Pip (Matthew and Diana's children), Gwenyth (Diana's paternal great-aunt), Sarah (Diana's maternal aunt), Ysabeau (Matthew's mother), and assorted family members from all three sides of the interwoven families. 

The tertiary character is Ravenswood. It is the ancestral home of the Proctor family and an enchanted place. 

Storyline:  4.0 stars

This book felt disjointed and not fully explored. There was so much going on within the three families that it was like multiple stories combined into one book. Some characters were not mentioned much at all like Becca and Pip. 

This book felt like it was written to setup the next book(s) in the series which was disappointing. 

The main locations are Ipswich, Massachusetts; New Haven, Connecticut; and Venice, Italy.   

Memorable/Informative:  3.5 stars

There isn't much that really grabbed me in this book. But there were some strange parts with Matthew and Diana in the forest and in the labyrinth - I didn't like either. 

Book cover: 4.5 stars


Book title: 4.5 stars 

On point!  

DEFINITE recommend


Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) borrow (ebook)

The Black Bird Oracle (All Souls #5) by Deborah Harkness

446 pages 

Ballantine Books

Release date of 07/16/2024


Deborah Harkness

My Goodreads review

Ballantine Books

Los Angeles Public Library

Happy reading,

Dorothea 💜

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

My next ebook is...

 The Black Bird Oracle (All Souls #5) by Deborah Harkness (ebook)

Happy reading,

Dorothea 💜

DNF - In A League of Her Own (ebook)

 In A League of Her Own by Kaia Alderson (ebook)

I will not be finishing this book after reading about 20%. I will record it as DNF.   

This book was supposed to be about Effa Manley, managing a Negro League Baseball team, and the only female in the Baseball Hall of Fame. At 20% of the book, I expect to hit the topic of baseball head-on (pun intended). So far, Effa has gone to a World Series Yankees game with a friend with only passing mentions of the Negro League.  

This book didn't work for me which doesn't mean it won't work for you! 

Happy reading! 

Dorothea 💜

Saturday, July 6, 2024

REVIEW - My Mama, Cass (audiobook)


My Mama, Cass by Owen Elliot-Kugell (audiobook)


I have loved The Mamas & the Papas since I first heard them on American Bandstand when I was five. My older cousin let me play with her Barbies while we actively watched and listened to their amazing harmonies. Of course, my cousin, Deana, shushed me when I asked questions while they were performing. I vividly remember this moment as I loved how they sounded and the beautiful song they sang which is still one of my favorites - "California Dreamin"!

This memoir by Owen Elliot-Kugel is based on the life of Cass Elliot born Ellen Naomi Cohen. Owen lost her mother when she was seven to a heart attack and not from the urban legend of choking on a ham sandwich. 

This memoir is a love letter from Owen to her mother. She actively researched and talked to her mother's personal and work friends, family, and acquaintances. The amount of time invested into this memoir must have been extensive. 


Writing: 4.0 stars

Owen writes lovingly and well. It was the story of her mother and Owen's story after the loss of her mother - it was written with much love.  

However, I wanted more detail, especially about Cass's singing and writing. My other vicarious need was more descriptions of what Cass was wearing! The 1960s were an incredible time for clothes. 

Narration: 4.5 stars

Owen read more slowly than I like, but one can always adjust the speed. It is Owen reading the story of her mother's life and her life without her beloved mother. She really had natural inflection and emotion.

Character Arc: 4.5 stars

The audiobook is told chronologically. The story ends with Cass finally receiving her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 

Owen begins her family story with the strong woman of her family who sacrificed so much to improve the lives of their families. Cass was a strong woman who lived in a period where her creativity could blossom, but men, unfortunately, still ran the world!

Memorable:  5.0 stars

The biggest takeaway is that Cass had to deal with the "fat" jokes and comments for her entire life. Even in death, the horribleness continues with the urban legend of her death. 

I also loved that Cass was active in politics and wanted to leave the world a better place than how she found it. She would be appalled at the state of our world today. 

Entertaining:   4.5 stars

Some of the stories about Cass were very funny and/or interesting. 

Book cover: 5.0 stars

So beautiful.

Book title: 5.0 stars 

The perfect title. 

STRONG recommend


Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) borrow (audiobook)

My Mama, Cass by Owen Elliot-Kugell

Hachette Books

6 hours, 30 minutes

Release date of 5/7/2024


No Wikipedia or personal webpage

My Goodreads review

Hachette Books

Los Angeles Public Library

Happy reading, 

Dorothea 💜