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Thursday, January 30, 2025

REVIEW - Looking for Jane (eBOOK)

Looking for Jane by Heather Marshall (eBOOK)


OH. MY. GOODNESS!! This historical novel resonated with me beyond belief. Most especially because of the overturn of Roe which had always guaranteed me access to an abortion for all of my childbearing years! But the same cannot be said for my daughter, which terrifies me. 

This is the second book by Heather Marshall that I have read. This is her first novel and it was AH-MAZING!!!! I cannot wait for her to write more amazing books!!

TRIGGER WARNING: Death, maternity homes, abortion, infidelity, infertility, medical procedures, rape, forced institutionalization, forced adoption


Writing: 5.0 stars

The writing is intense, well done, and just so incredible. Heather put a lot of thought and effort into researching this book. The stories are heartbreaking and revolting. She writes about everything in this book including horrifying situations candidly while still allowing this to be an enjoyable book.   


Character development: 5.0 stars

The main characters are Angela (an infertile woman trying to get pregnant), Evelyn (an abortion provider before it was legal), and Nancy (a pregnant young woman). All of their stories are from different times before, during, and after abortion was legal in Canada.  

The secondary characters are Tina (Angela's wife), Molly (Evelyn's friend), and Michael (Nancy's friend). 

There are so many tertiary and general characters that if I explained who they were it would ruin the story.  

Storyline:  5.0 stars

The basic premise was about access to abortion from the 1960s to current times. But, this historical fiction novel is more than abortion. It is about motherhood and the issues and choices that we face from infertility, OB/GYN care, birth control, adoption, and abortion. People who become pregnant, trans women, and women in general have so much to consider and need good healthcare to live well and be healthy. 

The main locations were Toronto and Montreal, Canada

Memorable/Informative:   5.0 stars

This novel is a feminist manifesto to be angry, fight, and advocate for body autonomy and our civil rights. We do not want to go back to the 1950s when a white, old man decided the course of a woman's life (whether or not she could have an abortion). 

Unfortunately, the current administration in the U.S. wants us to return to the "dark ages" of women's health. I am hopeful that the courts will shut this nonsense down!

Book cover: 5.0 stars

So pretty!

Book title: 5.0 stars 

Perfect, in so many ways!    

HIGHLY recommend

Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) borrow (eBOOK)

Looking for Jane by Heather Marshall

400 pages 

Atria Books

Release date of 3/7/2023


Heather Marshall

My Goodreads review


Atria Books

Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL)

Happy reading, 

Dorothea 💜



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