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Thursday, May 23, 2024

REVIEW - Jackie (ebook)


Jackie by Dawn Tripp (ebook)


This is the first book that I have read by Dawn Tripp. Jackie is her fifth novel and I am very eager to read her novel Georgia about Georgia O'Keefe!  

This is the story of Jackie Kennedy told in the first person which makes it such an interesting and fascinating read. She lived a good life as Jackie was much more than a wife. 


Writing: 4.5 stars

The author has a beautiful style of writing. It is detailed and specific, but not so dense that it is difficult to read. Dawn makes you feel like a fly on the wall for some of these world events. I knew little about this time, but I have learned a lot and want to know more.

Character development: 4.5 stars

The primary character, of course, is Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis AKA Jackie. We all know who she was - married twice, First Lady, mother to Caroline and John, and Contributing Editor in publishing.  

The secondary characters are JFK, his family, her family, their friends, plus the people in his administration. Her time with JFK is the majority of the book including before their marriage, while he was in the Senate, and during his presidency. 

The tertiary characters are Aristotle Onassis; her authors and coworkers in publishing, and her friends and family.

Storyline:  4.5 stars

The storyline begins with Jackie just as she formally meets JFK for the first time and ends with her death. 

I liked how the author had the chapters interspersed throughout the novel with JFK's viewpoint of the same time or event. It made it a much richer book. Additionally, telling the story in first person made it really strong!

Finally, the novel is three stories - her life with JFK, Aristotle Onassis, and her working life in publishing. 

The main locations were New York, Washington DC, and Massachusetts. 

Memorable/Informative:  4.5 stars

This novel does get into JFK's alleged affairs. My only comment is that we do not know what happens in anyone else's marriage. Period. 

I was just saddened at how difficult life was for her after the deaths of her two husbands. But, I loved that she found her voice in publishing. 

Book cover: 5.0 stars


Book title: 4.5 stars 


STRONG recommend


NetGalley ARC (ebook)

Jackie by Dawn Tripp

496 pages 

Random House

Release date of 06/18/2024


Dawn Tripp

My Goodreads review

Random House


Happy reading, 

Dorothea 💜

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