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Thursday, April 18, 2024

REVIEW - One Way Back (audiobook)

 One Way Back by Christine Blasey Ford (audiobook)


In 2018, I watched the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford with horrible flashbacks of similar testimony by Anita Hill about Clarence Thomas. The testimony was riveting, horrific, and so believable. Christine was a strong witness which contrasted to Brett Kavanaugh's emotional testimony. After seeing the hearings, I was convinced the nomination would not make it out of the Judicial committee. I was wrong - we now have two sexual predators on the Supreme Court - Thomas and Kavanaugh. Disgusting. 

This book does not go into great detail about the assault. This is Christine telling her story about her testimony and her healing after the fact. 

The above is why sexual assault and molestation victims do not come forward. They are not believed and the victims are put on trial. This needs to change.


Writing: 4.0 stars

There is no doubt that Christine is a strong, powerful, and technical writer. But, this was not a book where she could poetically rhapsodize in similes and metaphors. It was raw, shocking, and real.

The best part of Christine's writing is that she occasionally speaks in "surf talk" (as she is a hardcore surfer) and uses many phrases that are second nature to me as a Southern California native. These surfing phrases along with her salty language (which I loved and was so appropriate) made me love her.  

Narration: 3.5 stars

Christine has a very distinct voice. She is not a professional narrator, but she told her story in her own words which I prefer in memoirs. Her voice is a little monotone and non-emotional which may be what she needed to do to narrate her story.  

Character Arc: 4.0 stars

She talks about her life before and after the assault (very little of the assault is talked about) and discovers Brett's nomination to the Supreme Court nomination while on a beach in Santa Cruz. Christine agonizes over testifying but ultimately is forced to testify as her name is revealed in the media.  She and her family's lives were upended before, during, and after the testimony including physical security for more than a year. The vitriol she received on social media, in the press, and in letters written to her is unconscionable.

I really loved that she wrote this book for the letter writers to her - those who has similar and/or worse stories to tell. 

She writes the book in a very chronological manner which flows very nicely for the reader. 

Memorable:  4.0 stars

Christine (and Anita Hill) are exactly why women do not come forward after their sexual harassment, assaults, or molestations. It is wrong. 

After listening to Christine's book, I realized that I was also sexually assaulted in high school. It was the same type of situation with alcohol involved and I dismissed my feelings as overreacting. I think that there are many of us out there who have suppressed these experiences. 

Entertaining:   4.0 stars

It was not entertaining, but enlightening. 

Book cover: 4.0 stars

Very pretty. 

Book title: 4.0 stars 

So appropriate! 

DEFINITE recommend


Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) borrow (audiobook)

One Way Back by Christine Blasey Ford

Macmillan Audio

8 hours, 44 minutes

Release date of 03/19/2024


Christine Blasey Ford

My Goodreads review

Macmillan Audio

Los Angeles Public Library

Happy reading, 

Dorothea 💜

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