Writing: 4.0 stars
Lisa writes so beautifully, but this novel was somewhat difficult to get into in the first few chapters. It was a really dense read and had a lot of backstory that was needed to set up the storyline.
Character development: 4.0 stars
Storyline: 4.5 stars
The storyline is intense in both timelines (no spoilers so I'm being a little vague).
The 1909 storyline is about the three girls and the trouble, difficulty, and problems that they encounter after they leave home. They survived by their wits and by the kindness of strangers.
The 1990 storyline begins with the discovery of three skeletons hidden in a cave. Val is determined to discover what happened with Curtis's help.
The main location is southeastern Oklahoma.
Memorable/Informative: 5.0 stars
This is a strongly thought-provoking book. The financial mistreatment of the Native people began with the Dawes Act of 1887 which changed the tribal communal land to individual and head-of-household land. Then the White grifters and thieves came in and bought oil-rich or timber-rich property for practically nothing. Additionally, Native peoples were killed including children to gain control of these properties in probate courts as guardians. However, the guardians were only in it to make as much money as possible without any concern for the welfare of the children. These children who were left to fend for themselves were called "elf children".
Kate Barnard was a stateswoman and politician (before women had the vote) in Oklahoma who wanted to protect these elf children and all children. Unfortunately, Kate only held two terms in office and wasn't able to complete her personal goal of protecting the elf children. She was a heroine and savior to many children yet her life was not taught in Oklahoma history lessons.
This powerful story was heartbreaking and convicting. What a stain on Oklahoma and U.S. history!
Book cover: 4.0 stars
Very pretty.
Book title: 4.5 stars
HIGHLY recommend
NetGalley ARC (ebook)
Shelterwood by Lisa Wingate
384 pages
Ballantine Books
Release date of 06/04/2024
Happy reading 📚!
Dorothea 💜
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