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Thursday, July 27, 2023

REVIEW - Good Night, Irene


I had seen a mention on one of author Jamie Ford's social media pages about Luis Alberto Urrea and this book! So I added it to my To-Be-Read list on Goodreads. When the library let me know this novel was available, I was so excited to read it!! 

This is my first book by Luis Alberto Urrea. However, it will not be my last! This novel is based on the ARC (American Red Cross) Clubmobiles specifically in Europe during WWII. The three young women who served in each Clubmobile were meant to be morale boosters for the American troops by serving donuts, coffee, and smiles. These women did not simply serve from safe locations, but many went very near to the front lines, concentration camps, and many other horrific locations. A lot of the young women were injured physically and mentally from their personal war experiences. Unfortunately, most of these heroines are now lost to us as well as the information on the service that they performed during WWII. 

The three main characters are Irene (AKA Gator) and Dorothy (AKA Dot) plus the important impact of the war on all of the individual characters that they encounter. 

REVIEW: 4.5 stars

Writing: 4.5 stars

The writing was incredibly lovely, but the storytelling was the part that really hooked me. Yes, it is rare to have a writer who can do both - writing and storytelling well. Luis Alberto Urrea does both tasks magnificently. 

I really wanted more of the stories of the young women of the Clubmobiles. That is also another sign of a well-written novel - I want more!

Character development: 4.5 stars

The character development was very strong. We knew the back stories of the two main characters as well as the lives that they lived during WWII while on and off duty. Also, the deep friendship between Irene and Dorothy was fully explored.  

There was the additional primary character of the war which really made me feel that I was there with all five of my senses activated reading about the horrors. I know that war was Hell, but this novel really made me feel it!

The secondary characters were also interesting and developed as well as secondary characters should be. Not overdone, but just right! 

Storyline: 4.5 stars

This historical fiction novel really laid out all that the young ladies in the Clubmobiles had to endure from getting to Washington D.C. to Liverpool to mainland Europe during WWII. I had not considered some of the horrors that they had to endure on their journies to serve the servicemen of our country and the Allies. 

The storyline had a lot of twists and turns. I had no clue how the story would end. It was a surprise ending that had me guessing until almost the very end!

Book cover: 4.0 stars

I think that there was a lot of opportunity for the cover of this novel to be so much more!

Book title: 5.0 stars 


Gut feeling: 4.0 stars

I had no clue as to how I would feel about this novel. But, I knew that Jamie Ford would not lead me astray! 


A map of where the women of the ARC Clubmobiles traveled would have been interesting if it was even possible.



Good Night, Irene by Luis Alberto Urrea 

465 pages

days to read it (I could not put it down)

Read as an ebook from the library

Release date of 05/30/2023

Luis Alberto Urrea

My Goodreads review

Little, Brown and Company

Los Angeles Public Library

Happy reading,

Dorothea 💜


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