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Saturday, May 20, 2023

REVIEW - Montauk


First off, I recall reading this book when it first came out as an ARC in 2019, but I didn't review it on Goodreads or NetGalley. Weird! So I am reviewing it as a first-time read! But it was worth reading a second time so you can probably predict my review! 

REVIEW: 4.0 stars

Writing: 4.5 stars

Nicola Harrison writes beautiful and descriptive prose that helps you visualize each scene of her books without getting bogged down. It is very easy to read, but so enjoyable to read!

Character development: 4.5 stars

The characters were interesting and fascinating! There were the "poor" rich ladies who left Manhattan for the summer and their husbands who only visited on the weekends.  But in contrast, there were also the "rich" poor local workers who have beautiful friendships, families, and lives. 

Storyline: 4.5 stars

The interaction between all of the characters both city and local proved that being monetarily rich doesn't make one happy. The finale of the book was so well done that it will stay with me for a long time!

Book cover: 5.0 stars

Absolutely perfect - especially the blue dress against the sepia background!

Gut feeling: 4.5 stars

Not at all what I expected, but exactly what I enjoy - historical fiction!!




Montauk by Nicola Harrison

394 pages

5 days to read 

Read as a Kindle library book - Los Angeles Public Library

Release date of 06/04/2019





P.S. I updated my template for my blog reviews. Hopefully, it makes it easier for a quick review of the book! 

Happy reading,

Dorothea 💜

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