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Thursday, October 17, 2024

My next audiobook is...

 The Third Gilmore Girl by Kelly Bishop (audiobook)

Happy reading, 

Dorothea 💜

My next ebook is...

 When We Flew Away by Alice Hoffman (ebook)

Happy reading, 

Dorothea 💜

My next audiobook AND Review - Be Ready When the Luck Happens (audiobook)


Be Ready When the Luck Happens by Ina Garten (audiobook)


First, how did I forget to post that I was reading this audiobook! Maybe, because I enjoyed it so much?!? Who knows?

Ina Garten has a beautiful, spontaneous, and realness about her that comes through on her FoodNetwork show. It was good to be validated in my impressions as this audiobook proved. She is real, raw, and honest about her early family life, marriage, and mistakes made in her education and career. 

The titles of her chapters are just hysterically funny! I feel like Ina gives great advice throughout the book without being condescending or preachy. She is a woman who had rough patches in life but came out on top because she did what she loved and followed her dreams. 


Writing: 5.0 stars

Ina writes beautifully. That is no surprise as she used to work for Presidents Ford and Carter! 

I love how she talks about food, friendship, and life with it all being interconnected. It was lovely. 

Narration: 5.0 stars

Great narration. Ina is not a perfect speaker or an on-camera personality which she readily admits in the audiobook. But that nervousness and imperfection make her so approachable and so likable. She is real!

She is funny, a swear word dropper, and a straight-shooter - my kind of gal!

Character Arc: 5.0 stars

The audiobook is told chronologically which I thoroughly enjoyed.  

Memorable:  5.0 stars

She spills her guts, so to speak, about her life and how she rose above a harsh family life in an affluent part of Connecticut. Something that her father said to her resonates with me deeply and sadly. 

Ina found her love, Jeffrey, very early in life. But, she also knew what she needed in her marriage which she asked for and received.

I was shocked at what happened when Ina and Jeffrey applied for a mortgage in the early 1970s. The loan officer wouldn't consider her income because "she would get pregnant and stay home". Geez, how sexist and misogynist! 

Entertaining:   5.0 stars

Ina was so funny. She has a great sense of humor and would be a hoot to have a meal with. 

Book cover: 5.0 stars

So pretty.     

Book title: 5.0 stars 

Words to live by. 

HIGHLY recommend


Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) borrow (audiobook)

Be Ready When the Luck Happens by Ina Garten

Random House Audio

8 hours, 47 minutes

Release date of 10/1/2024


Ina Garten

My Goodreads review

Random House Audio

Los Angeles Public Library

Happy reading, 

Dorothea 💜

REVIEW - A Death in Diamonds (ebook)

A Death in Diamond (Her Majesty The Queen Investigates #4) by S.J. Bennett (ebook)


This is the fourth book in a five-book series. I would describe the series, Her Majesty the Queen Investigates, as a "cozy mystery series. I say "cozy" because the book isn't horribly graphic. I also love the idea of Queen Elizabeth II solving crimes - it just tracks for me. 

The premise of this book is a double murder in Chelsea with potential involvement with aristocrats and royals. The time frame is in 1957, a departure from the rest of the series. In this book, the Queen begins her working relationship with Joan McCraw, acting APS (Assistant Personal Secretary). 

This book takes place primarily near multiple royal residences in England and Scotland. 

I hope the fifth and next book isn't the last (say it isn't so, S.J. Bennett)!!!


Writing: 4.0 stars

The writing is good. It is not overly descriptive but rather a crisp, no-nonsense style like how the Queen comes across. 

I loved that the Queen's clothing and jewels were described in detail. She was still young and coming into her personal power as a monarch and woman. 

Character development: 4.0 stars

The character development of the two main characters of Queen Elizabeth II and  Joan, her Assistant Personal Secretary (APS) is in its infancy. But, the Queen trusted herself and found someone she could trust in Joan. Both are strong women which I always love reading about. 

The secondary characters are the Queen's extended family, local nobility, acquaintances, and her secretaries. 

The tertiary characters are the police investigators, victims, and witnesses. 

Storyline:  4.5 stars

The storyline was a good whodunit. The twists and turns made this mystery so much fun. Of course, I had no clue who the killer or killers were. 

The main locations were the many royal residences and surrounding areas in Great Britain.  

Memorable/Informative:  4.0 stars

I am a huge Anglophile as many of my ancestors immigrated from that area. 

I was shocked that Joan was perceived by many of the male aristocrats and the Queen's male secretaries as disreputable because she was Irish. This was 1957!

Book cover: 4.0 stars


Book title: 4.5 stars 

On point.


An explanation of the titles and how to correctly address the nobility and royalty would be helpful for this clueless American reader!  

DEFINITE recommend


NetGalley ARC (ebook)

A Death in Diamond (Her Majesty The Queen Investigates #4) by S.J. Bennett 

407 pages 


Release date of 1/21/2025


S.J. Bennett

My Goodreads review



Happy reading, 

Dorothea 💜 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

REVIEW - From Here to the Great Unknown (audiobook)

From Here to the Great Unknown
by Lisa Marie Presley/Riley Keough (audiobook)


One of my most vivid memories is finding out that Elvis Presley had died from a newspaper. I was 16 years old and my family was on vacation in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We saw a newspaper that read, "The King Is Dead" and were confused as England had a queen. It was shocking and sad to discover that Elvis was gone.  

So I cannot imagine what Lisa Marie Presley must have felt seeing her dad on his bathroom floor dying as CPR was performed. I cannot imagine the horror of watching someone that you love at such a young age being taken away from you. Truly I believe that the generational trauma in the Presley family began with Elvis's death. 

NOTE: If you are offended by "f-bombs" or triggered by drug usage and death by suicide, this is not the book for you.  


Writing: 3.0 stars

Unfortunately, this book is not well written. 

It is based on tapes Lisa Marie recorded to begin the foundation of her autobiography. Riley Keough, her daughter, fills in some of the gaps in the audio to make it more understandable and add a back story. 

I am surprised that it is an Oprah's Book Club pick. 

Narration: 3.5 stars

This book has three narrators. First is Lisa Marie whose poorly recorded excerpts are included and are the most powerful and raw part of this audiobook. Second is Riley who read well but was emotionally flat (as I think she is still processing so much). Finally, Julia Roberts does an outstanding job for most of the audiobook. 

Due to the three narrators, an audiobook is the way to go with this memoir, IMHO. 

Character Arc: 3.0 stars

The audiobook is told chronologically which I thoroughly enjoyed. 

My real issue is that this book is just too short due to huge time gaps in Lisa Marie's story. Her life was not fully explored which is disappointing. 

Memorable:  3.0 stars

Yes, there are some salacious parts, but most don't add depth to the story. It is all personal decisions and I support Lisa Maria in them all. 

The biggest takeaway for me is what would Lisa Marie's life have been IF her father hadn't died on that fateful day. Good, better, or worse - we will never know. This book is all about grief and loss along with generational trauma including drug and alcohol abuse. 

Entertaining:   3.0 stars

It wasn't entertaining per se. It was just what it was.  

Book cover: 3.0 stars

A much better picture could have been picked.   

Book title: 3.0 stars 

Unsure if it is a good title.  

LUKEWARM recommend


Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) borrow (audiobook)

From Here to the Great Unknown by Lisa Marie Presley/Riley Keough

Random House Audio

6 hours, 42 minutes

Release date of 10/8/2024


Lisa Marie Presley/Riley Keough

My Goodreads review

Random House Audio

Los Angeles Public Library

Happy reading, 

Dorothea 💜

Friday, October 11, 2024

My next ebook is...

 A Death in Diamonds by S.J. Bennett (ebook)

Happy reading, 

Dorothea 💜 

REVIEW - The Author's Guide to Murder (ebook)

  The Author's Guide to Murder by Beatriz Williams, Lauren Willig, and Karen White (ebook)


This is the fifth book written by three author friends (Williams, Willig, and White) AKA The Three W's. The only author of the three I have read is Beatriz Williams which is how I found this book. This is my first novel by the three authors in collaboration. 

I know this book was satire and tongue-in-cheek, but I liked the book rather than loved it.


Writing: 4.5 stars

The writing is good. I could not determine who wrote what chapters so it is a well-done collaboration. 

I liked that the three main characters had their own chapters and at the beginning of the novel each started with a police interrogation. The interrogations were hysterically funny!

Character development: 4.0 stars

The main characters were Kat, Emma, and Cassie. They are three diverse writers who meet to write a book together at a Scottish castle. The three main characters were as different as their individual genres.

The secondary characters are Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) McIntosh (the police officer investigating a murder), Calum (castle caretaker), Morag (castle housekeeper), and Archie (estate manager).  

The tertiary characters are the murdered individual, townspeople, and other characters that move the story along.

Storyline:  3.0 stars

The storyline is told in flashbacks with police interrogations and then the chapter focuses on one of the three main characters. This was the best part of the book. 

The book was long and could have been edited more. This novel is slow for the first 75% of the book other than the police interrogations. Then it takes off for the last 25% and is fast-moving and fun. So for me, the chapters with the police interrogations could have been very edited. 

The main location was Inner Hebrides, Scotland.    

Memorable/Informative:  3.5 stars

I enjoyed learning a small amount about the Inner Hebrides and how each island community is connected. 

Book cover: 4.0 stars


Book title: 4.0 stars 


DEFINITE recommend


NetGalley ARC (ebook)

The Author's Guide to Murder by Beatriz Williams, Lauren Willig, and Karen White

416 pages 

William Morrow

Release date of 11/5/2024


Williams, Willig, and White

My Goodreads review

William Morrow


Happy reading, 

Dorothea 💜 

My next audiobook is...

 From Here to the Great Unknown by Lisa Marie Presley and Riley Keough (audiobook)

Happy reading, 

Dorothea 💜

REVIEW - Connie (audiobook)

 Connie by Connie Chung (audiobook)


As a "born, raised, and never left" Angeleno, I was fortunate to watch Connie Chung on our local CBS affiliate. I was impressed by this smart, talented, and beautiful Chinese-American woman co-anchoring the news. She was impressive and awe-inspiring to me as very few women were on the news then and almost no Asian-Americans. 

Connie did a fantastic job with this audiobook. It was written and narrated beautifully as I would expect from such an accomplished journalist. It did not disappoint. 

Since it was a memoir, there were some self-aggrandizing moments, but the majority of the book was humble and self-effacing. 


Writing: 5.0 stars

Connie writes beautifully, efficiently, and eloquently. I wished for a little more "heart" in the writing, but she did a great job considering her background. I had to remind myself that Connie is a trained journalist who avoids personal feelings while reporting. There are some "tell-all" moments especially about male anchors and those in power - disgusting. 

Narration: 5.0 stars

Perfectly narrated. Connie has a voice that is just so lush and professional. I could listen to her read the Constitution and wouldn't be bored. 

She is also funny and a straight-shooter - my kind of gal!

Character Arc: 5.0 stars

The audiobook is told chronologically which I thoroughly enjoyed.  She discussed her childhood, career, and finding love. Such a happy ending.  

Memorable:  5.0 stars

Many of the sexist issues that Connie dealt with in the 70's, I was dealing with in the 90's. Unbelievable. 

I loved that so many Asian-American women were named Connie in the 70's-90's after her. It is a great honor and a living testament to her hard work and what she meant to many. 

Entertaining:   5.0 stars

It was so funny at times with her wicked sense of humor and double-entendre comebacks. I loved her honest take on people without being snarky and how she owned her mistakes. 

Book cover: 5.0 stars


Book title: 5.0 stars 

Short and sweet. 

HIGHLY recommend


Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) borrow (audiobook)

Connie by Connie Chung

Grand Central Publishing

11 hours, 35 minutes

Release date of 9/17/2024


Connie Chung

My Goodreads review

Grand Central Publishing

Los Angeles Public Library

Happy reading, 

Dorothea 💜

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Friday, October 4, 2024

REVIEW - Something Lost, Something Gained (audiobook)

Something Lost, Something Gained by Hillary Rodham Clinton (audiobook)


As a liberal Democrat, I cried when I voted for HRC in 2016 with my then 15-year-old daughter. I knew what a Trump presidency would mean and my worst fears came true. 

This is the fourth book by HRC that I have read (including the novel with Louise Penny). For memoirs, I prefer to listen to audiobooks read by the author which I did with this book. 

There were a few things that bothered me about this memoir. The chapters ran hot and cold for me; I either loved or disliked a chapter with no middle ground.  Also, Hillary discussed Donald Trump a bit too much for me and sometimes ranted. It felt like a reboot of What Happened, her previous book on the 2016 election. Finally, an entire chapter was devoted to her Methodist faith and the reorganization of the religion. I am non-religious and this wasn't pertinent to me at all. I also wished she had discussed some of the negative things in her life such as Whitewater, Benghazi, her husband's impeachment, and more about "the emails".  

Please note that this is NOT a tell-all book. It is a collection of stories/essays about topics important to HRC.  


Writing: 4.5 stars

HRC writes beautifully - very descriptive and real. She definitely wrote to her audience which are educated, middle-class women. It was totally on point. 

I disliked her use of name-calling to refer to many folks on the other side of the aisle including Trump and McConnell. She didn't need to go low like that. 

Narration: 3.5 stars

HRC has a voice that can become grating when she is angry or upset about a topic - that is how she read the parts about Trump. It was annoying and not pleasant to listen to at all. 

On the other hand, when talking about her family members, her voice softened and was lovely and loving. 

Character Arc: 4.0 stars

The audiobook is told chronologically, but HRC does deviate by backtracking to fill in stories or explain things more fully. Learning about her parents' marriage and her childhood explains why she has always been so driven. HRC is the oldest, daughter, with two younger brothers. Enough said!  

Memorable:  4.5 stars

The one chapter about the white scarves is amazing. I was breathless to hear how it all worked out. It was an incredible feat performed by women for women to get targeted Afghani women out of Afghanistan before the US left. There are many other stories in this book that were just as good. 

Entertaining:   4.0 stars

HRC can be quite funny in some of her anecdotes. 

But, for me, learning about all that she did as a lawyer, First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the US, Senator, and Secretary of State was awe-inspiring. She accomplished so much, but not all is known to the public. 

Book cover: 3.0 stars

A more flattering picture could have been chosen for her.    

Book title: 5.0 stars 

Very appropriate. Joan Baez, anyone?

STRONG recommend


Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) borrow (audiobook)

Something Lost, Something Gained by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Simon & Schuster Audio

13 hours, 25 minutes

Release date of 9/17/2020


Hillary Rodham Clinton

My Goodreads review

Simon & Schuster Audio

Los Angeles Public Library

Happy reading, 

Dorothea 💜

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Amazon First Reads - October 2024

Hi, everyone!!

Did you know as part of your Amazon Prime Membership you receive a FREE monthly Kindle book available?? It is called Amazon First Reads!! You can find out more about it here: Amazon First Reads.

The Amazon First Reads email went out yesterday! There are TWO free Kindle books for October 2024. 

My TWO choices for October 2024 are:

An Age of Winters by Gemma Liviero (ebook)

The Naturalist Society by Carrie Vaughn (ebook)

So what Kindle book are you SELECTING?!? 

Also, as a reminder, remember to "buy" AND download the FREE books from Amazon! You cannot read the books for free if they are not downloaded! Ask me how I know?

Happy reading, 

Dorothea 💜

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

SEPTEMBER 2024 - Monthly Wrap-up

Good morning, everyone!!

September started with the possibility of being a twelve-book or more month. Unfortunately, life got in the way with a sick family member in the hospital. Thankfully, a discharge is expected tomorrow (and I did read a book while waiting at the hospital)!!


2nd ANNUAL “booksbydorothea” BEST BOOKS OF 2024:

All We Were Promised by Ashton Lattimore (January) 5 stars (ebook)

Miss Morgan's Book Brigade by Janet Skeslien Charles (February) 5 stars (ebook)

The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer (March) 5 stars (ebook)

How To Read A Book by Monica Wood (April) 5 stars (ebook)

Here One Moment by Liane Moriarity (May) 4.5 stars (ebook)

The Friday Afternoon Club (June) 5 stars (audiobook)

The Bookstore Wedding by Alice Hoffman (July) 5 stars (ebook)

The Briar Club by Kate Quinn (August) 5 stars (ebook)

The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates (September) 5 stars (audiobook)



My goal is to read 100 books in 2024. As of 09/30/2024, I have read 69 books, or 69% of my goal.



10 total books

7 e-books; 3 audiobooks; 0 physical books

2 books were ARCs (Advance Reader Copy)

7 books were library books

0 books were purchased

1 book was an Amazon First Reads

0 books were a Book Club Girl


Audio listening time in September:  28 hours, 49 minutes

Pages read in September:  2,824 pages

Average review rating: 4.30 stars



5.0-star book (2)

The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates (audiobook) LINK

The Lost English Girl by Julia Kelly (ebook) LINK


4.5-star book (4)

Secrets of the Chocolate House by Paula Brackston (ebook) LINK

The Garden of Promises and Lies by Paula Brackston (ebook) LINK

All In by Billie Jean King (audiobook) LINK

The Secret War of Julia Child by Diana R. Chambers (ebook) LINK


4.0-star book (3)

Framed by John Grisham/Jim McCloskey (ebook) LINK

The Twilight Garden by Sara Nisha Adams (ebook) LINK

Do You Feel Like I Do? by Peter Frampton/Alan Light (audiobook) LINK

3.5-star book (0)

3.0-star book (1)

When We Were Friends by Jane Green (ebook) LINK



If you want to read my full review of any of these books, there are individual review links for each ebook or audiobook next to the book title and author. Click on the specific book link to get to that book review! 


Happy reading!

Dorothea ðŸ’œ


P.S. You can find out more about my book ratings HERE.